Friday, April 30, 2010

How someone's bad luck can be so good!!!!

Whenever you feel down because of the things not going as per your expectation,you feel bad. I do self analysis too. This time I was more than conviced that whatever I have are because of the hard work and the great efforts I have put in. It is not that I am an atheist and I believe in agnosticism. I do beleive there is an almighty, who controls everything.

Could not refrain myself from putting my feelings on the repository. It was December 1st, 2009.I Started of the day with lots and lots of energy and a great enthusiam, as it was the most important day for me in 2009. I was to take my CAT on the day. My test started at 10:00 AM sharp. For the first 45-50 minutes it was kinda great going. Around 11:00 am, I picked up a headache along with some cold. Temperature in the room was too low. I asked the person concerned to increase the AC temperature if possible. Got a reply that since there are many systems running parallely, it is not possible to lower the mercury level further.I felt like a gone case for me. I was trying hard to concentrate and get the questions done. I was taking double the time required for a question. Came back home totally depressed with a thought in my mind. The thought was revolving around all the incidents which have happened since 2001. I always had a feeling that whatever I have, all are hard earned. The luck factor has never been on my side. Each time this thought creeps into my mind, my sister will try to appease me by saying whatever happens, happens for good.This time I called her up and said now its enough and my faith in the almighty has withered. And I started enumerating the major happenings right from1999.
1. 1999: I matriculated with 84.8 % marks. Could not get admission in DPS, bokaro because of my 63 marks in social studies, though I was the one who used to get good marks in that subject.
2. 2001: After my IIT-JEE screening, fell severly ill and could not prepare well for my IIT mains.
3. December 1st, 2009: Everything was going fine as expected, but picked up headache at the crucial time.
After listening to all these, even my sister agreed that luck has never been on my side.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

A true friend and selfish me!!!!!

Last morning around 7:40 a.m., I was called up and informed about a good news.I have been eagerly waiting for this news since last 2-3 months. I have been praying the God to make it happen. When it came, a true frined in me was very happy but a selfish in me was sad. Sad, because one of my best friends(since the day I knew him) is leaving this city. I have very few friends with whom I share the kind of friendship I have with him. Soumik, knowing you have been an achievement since I landed in bangalore way back in June'2006. Spending time with you, talking to you about every good girl we know, loitering with you in the malls of bangalore.......have been simply superb.I always wished if we could join the same college, but fate has something else for me.More I try hard to get into an IIM, the more it eludes me. Wishing you all the very best in future endeavours at IIM, Lucknow.
Mere thinking that you would be leaving bangalore has brought tears to my eyes.
Signing off.....Rakesh

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I wish if this letter could reach Mrinal Pande(It was written by me sometime in Nov 2009)

Dear Madam,
I was sifting the information from my favorite daily "The Hindu", where I could find your take on Hindi media. I do agree with what you said, but there you have also mentioned something about Bihar. This is what you say of Bihar:
"Despite continuous political turbulence, poverty, rise in crime and a near-breakdown of law and order".
My question to you:
1.) How many times have you been to Bihar? Do you really know the current happenings in Bihar?
2.) Have you been to Mumbai recently?

I don't understand the reason why if someone has to talk about political turbulence, poverty, rise in crime and a near-breakdown of law and order, Bihar comes to his/her mind at first place. The only thing which comes to my mind to answer myself is "Bad man is better than a bad name".

I would to bring to your notice that how Indian media is responsible for not good image of Bihar:
-> Talk of cast system, media personality will never miss to mention Bihar, even though neighbouring state W. Bengal never had a single CM from the backward caste.
-> Talks on corruption again lead to Bihar (true to you too), when the most corrupt politicians and bureaucrats are in Mumbai.
-> Roads of Mumbai are worst of its kind with potholes and craters, but when Indian media has to talk about bad roads, it always moves to Bihar.
-> Rape, murder and abductions are rampant in the economically strong regions of NCR comprising of Delhi, Gurgaon, Ghaziabad, Noida and Faridabad; but when talks of crime start it always moves to Bihar.
-> You talked about political turbulence, what is your take on recent mayhem in Maharashtra assembly house?
I know few journalists do take advantage of this to make their column peppy and interesting.
When there is something good about Bihar, media will never cover it.

Some two years back, a global Bihari meet was organised in Patna which had eminent speakers like Mr. Kalam, noted economist Lord Meghnad Desai, Mr C. Rangarajan and many more. This high profile event was hardly reported in any national media.

My question again: was it not a duty of any enlightened media to highlight this meet to create positive vibes about Bihar, if they dont miss any chance of belittling Bihar's image.
To me it seems, Indian media has become impotent and it needs some medicine to perform like an enlightened media!

My request: if you can't help the needy, don't try to laugh at them. The condition in Bihar is improving, though it has to grow by leaps and bounds, but then it has to be started somewhere.

I would like to beg your pardon, if I had struck any of yours discordant chord. But I could not refrain myself from writing to you, I am fed up with reading these things about Bihar. I feel bad when people talk only bad things about Bihar.
